The quality of our demolition work is partly determined by our safe working method. Ensuring safety has a constant place on our agenda, and we are assessed and audited several times a year by external parties. To make these assessments as transparent as possible for you, we would like to give you an insight into our certificates.
SCC stands for Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Checklist Contractors. The SCC-certificate is the standard for safe working.
With the SCC-certificate, Mustang Demolition lays the foundation for working safely and healthily every day.

ISO:9001 is the international standard for quality management systems. With this certificate, Mustang Demolition shows that we have set up our quality management system in such a way that we strive for optimal customer satisfaction.
Simply put, the certificate stands for: "We say what we do, and we do what we say."

The BRL SVMS-007 certificate gives clients the assurance that Mustang Demolition is a professional demolition contractor. Careful work preparation and safe and enviromentally responsible execution are central.
In addition, there is a guarantee that rules are observed and that expert and trained personnel are employed.